Given that they spend much of their working day walking up and down shop aisles, you would think these Tesco strikers would know how to handle a pedestrian crossing.The plan was simple. After Tesco strikers in Bray found that their pedestrian crossing had been painted over by their bosses - strange, but true - their Greystones comrades decided to show a little solidarity by re-enacting a certain world-famous album sleeve.We'll just hit that pedestrian crossing light, wait the customary 47 minutes for the lights to go through their cycle, and - BOOM! - walk across, keeping one foot behind the person in front of you.Just like The Beatles' Abbey Road cover.On the first journey across, the girls stopped in the middle of the road. And turned to the camera. And smiled.Just like no album cover, ever.Another 47-minute wait. Take two.This time, no stopping, no waving, no smiling for the camera. As for the keep-one-foot-behind challenge, well...Still, those Bray workers will know that the Greystones workers' hearts are in the right place. Even if their feet ain't.
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